Wednesday, July 31, 2019

The Evolution of Islam Judaism and Christianity

Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are the most recognized and popular religions around the globe. The three religions are in some ways very similar while at the same time very diverse. Collectively all three religions are monotheistic which means the belief in one God, creator of the Universe who hears the prayers of his faithfuls. The Jews believe that God made a pact with their ancestors, the Hebrews, saying that they are the chosen ones. They await the return if the Messiah. The Christians believe that God in the form of Jesus came to earth and established the Christian church amongst his apostles.The Muslims accept both the Jewish Messiah and the Christian Jesus, but in turn believe that their profit Muhammad was the last and greatest sent by God. The religions are all of book, and have written records of God's words. The Jews have the Hebrew Bible, the Christians have the New and Old Testament of the Christian bible which includes the Hebrew Bible, and the Muslims have the Qur'an . One of the first major Jewish Architectural creations known is the First Temple in Jerusalem.This temple was built to house the Ark of the Covenant by King Soloman back in the 10th century, it later became a place for the Jewish to worship. However it was destroyed by the Babylonians, the people where exiled and the Ark stolen. There was another grand temple built after the land was returned to the Jews by Cyrus the Great of Persia, but again destroyed by the Romans. The temple was said to be made of imported wood and was supported by two large bronze pillars. A big part of Judaism is the educations of the religion, they gather in buildings called Synagogues for this very purpose.These buildings were used by Jewish men women and children to study the Torah, and was also used for social gatherings. Before buildings were specifically built for this purpose, they would meet in private homes or anywhere Torah scrolls were kept and read. Then the construction of house like buildings be gan. One of the first has an assembly hall, a courtyard, and a separate room for women, soon after residential rooms were added. The two architectural features that distinguished the assembly hall from the other rooms were long benches lining the walls, and a place for the scrolls.Jews also built meeting places like that of the Roman basilica. This included an aisle on both sides and separated from this an apse adorned with Torah scrolls and facing east. Once Christianity was recognized by the government it's number grew rapidly, more specifically amongst the wealthy. Early Christian art is described as style and imagery of the Jewish and Roman visual traditions, this is called syncreatism. Artist take images from past traditions and give them their own purpose. The most famous is what is known as the Good Shepard.Before it was a depiction of Orpheus amongst his animals, or sometimes considered a personification of philanthropy. However in the time of early Christianity, this same i mage became a depiction of the Good Shepard of the book of Psalms. Most early Christian art is very rare and depicted either God, his son Jesus, or the Holy Ghost. Some of the few remains of art work are in catacombs which is where the dead were buried. The most famous of these are found where two Christians who were martyred for their faith are buried.The art work of their cubicula, or small room created for the deceased, is a painting of the Good Shepard. Under to painting are the words: â€Å"I am a good Shepard. A good Shepard lays down his life for the sheep. †, and around the painting are smaller paintings depicting the story of Jonah and the sea monster. Early Muslim architects were influenced by the Romans and the Byzantines. They began to build large numbers of mosques, palaces, and shrines. Of these buildings one of the most famous and recognized is the Dome of the Rock, or Haram Al-Sharif.The building site is said to be the place where Muhammad rose to the Heavens to be with God. This site also has important value to both Jews and Christians. For the Jews this is the site where both First and Second Jewish temples were built and destroyed. For the Christians this site marks the creation of Adam and where the patriarch Abraham was sent to kill his son by God. Because both Jewish and Christian faiths have history here, the building of the Dome of the Rock is the first architectural statement by Islam that it completes the other religions.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Lab 1: Introduction to Science

Data Interpretation Table 1: Water Quality vs. Fish Population Dissolved Oxygen| 0| 2| 4| 6| 8| 10| 12| 14| 16| 18| Number of Fish Observed| 0| 1| 3| 10| 12| 13| 15| 10| 12| 13| 1. What patterns do you observe based on the information in Table 1? -The more dissolved oxygen in the water, the more fish is observed in that area of water. 2. Develop a hypothesis relating to the amount of dissolved oxygen measured in the water sample and the number of fish observed in the body of water. -If there is more dissolved oxygen in the water, there will be more fish present in the area the water sample is taking from. . What would your experimental approach be to test this hypothesis? -I would test the dissolved oxygen in different areas of water, keep track of the fish in those areas and compare the results. 4. What are the independent and dependent variables? -Independent- Dissolved Oxygen -Dependent- Fish 5. What would be your control? -No Control 6. What type of graph would be appropriate for this data set? Why? -A line graph will be appropriate because it supports the hypothesis and provide clear results. 7. Graph the data from Table 1: Water Quality vs. Fish Population (found at the beginning of this exercise).You may use Excel, then â€Å"Insert† the graph, or use another drawing program. You may also draw it neatly by hand and scan your drawing. If you choose this option, you must insert the scanned jpg image here. 8. Interpret the data from the graph made in Question 7. -The graph above shows the fish population on the Y (axis) and the dissolved oxygen on the X (axis). The fish population increases in the above graph due to more dissolved oxygen that is found in the body of water. For example: There is 0 dissolved oxygen (ppm) in the water, so there is 0 fish observed.Exercise 2: Testable Observations- Determine which of the following observations (A-J) could lead to a testable hypothesis. For those that are testable: Write a hypothesis and null hypothesis W hat would be your experimental approach? What are the dependent and independent variables? What is your control? How will you collect your data? How will you present your data (charts, graphs, types)? How will you analyze your data? 1. When a plant is placed on a window sill, it grows three inches faster per day than when it is placed on a coffee table in the middle of the living room. . The teller at the bank with brown hair and brown eyes and is taller than the other tellers. 3. When Sally eats healthy foods and exercises regularly, her blood pressure is 10 points lower than when she does not exercise and eats unhealthy foods. 4. The Italian restaurant across the street closes at 9 pm but the one two blocks away closes at 10 pm. 5. For the past two days the clouds have come out at 3 pm and it has started raining at 3:15 pm. 6. George did not sleep at all the night following the start of daylight savings. Exercise 3: ConversionFor each of the following, convert each value into the designated units. 1. 46,756,790 mg = 46,756,790 kg 2. 5. 6 hours = 20,160 seconds 3. 13. 5 cm = 5. 31 inches 4. 47  °C = 116. 6  °F Exercise 4: Accuracy and Precision – 1. During gym class, four students decided to see if they could beat the norm of 45 sit-ups in a minute. The first student did 64 sit-ups, the second did 69, the third did 65, and the fourth did 67. 2. The average score for the 5th grade math test is 89. 5. The top 4th graders took the test and scored 89, 93, 91 and 87. 2.Yesterday the temperature was 89  °F, tomorrow it’s supposed to be 88 °F and the next day it’s supposed to be 90 °F, even though the average for September is only 75 °F degrees! 3. Four friends decided to go out and play horseshoes. They took a picture of their results shown to the right: 4. A local grocery store was holding a contest to see who could most closely guess the number of pennies that they had inside a large jar. The first six people guessed the numbers 7 35, 209, 390, 300, 1005 and 689. The grocery clerk said the jar actually contains 568 pennies. Exercise 5: Significant Digits and Scientific NotationPart 1: Determine the number of significant digits in each number and write out the specific significant digits. 1. 405000 6 or 3 2. 0. 0098 2 3. 39. 999999 8 4. 13. 00 4 5. 80,000,089 8 6. 55,430. 00 7 7. 0. 000033 2 8. 620. 03080 8 Part 2: Write the numbers below in scientific notation, incorporating what you know about significant digits. 1. 70,000,000,000 7 x 1010 2. 0. 000000048 4. 8 x10-8 3. 67,890,000 6. 789 x107 4. 70,500 7. 05 x 104 5. 450,900,800 4. 509008 x 108 6. 0. 009045 9. 0450 x 10-3 7. 0. 023 2. 3 x 10-2

Monday, July 29, 2019

Roman Persecutions of Christians Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Roman Persecutions of Christians - Essay Example Many historians are of the opinion, that the Romans believed that the neglect of the old gods who had made Rome strong, was responsible for the disasters that Rome faced. Is it then safe to assume that the persecutions of Christians, stemmed from a distrust of something alien to the Romans, or were there other causes for these persecutions? The persecutions began slowly but after the middle of the third century, were initiated intensively by some of the Roman emperors. In the beginning, these persecutions were generally a result of personal hostilities between people, where the real issues were hidden behind the excuse of their being of a different faith. However, slowly Christians began to be looked upon as people who took part in weird rites, like partaking of Christ’s flesh and blood, that was mistaken for cannibalism. The distrust grew as Christians refused to take part in the pagan rites of sacrifice to Roman gods, and to the emperor who was considered a semi divine being . This was considered an insult to the gods who looked after the well being of the people, and therefore endangered the empire.There were also other reasons why the people considered the Christians unpatriotic. The Romans took pride in their Roman citizenship, while the Christians declared that they were citizens of heaven. They also shrank from obligations of public and military service. However, a closer look at the events that preceded the persecutions, paints a different picture. Persecutions were generally sparked off by certain events that went against an emperor. Is it then possible that periods of crisis like a threatening invasion, or an economic or political instability, were triggers that led to these persecutions? This seems to have been the case in the persecutions that took place when a disastrous fire broke out in Rome during the reign of Nero. The first persecution sanctioned by an emperor was in A.D. 64 by the eccentric emperor Nero. During the early years of Neroâ €™s reign, he was guided by the wisdom of his tutor Seneca and Burrus. By A.D. 62, Burrus died and Seneca retired, after which the wise constraints on Nero’s eccentric character were gone, and Nero was free to indulge himself . The costly war against Parthia and the revolts in Britain had drained the treasury and the Roman empire was in turmoil. Against this background, Nero was more interested in poetry, music and such other pursuits, and surrounded himself with frivolous and riotous companions that offended the public. His extravagances only served to further drain the imperial coffers, and taking advantage of his inattention to affairs of state, rebellions began to erupt. In the midst of these distressing events, Rome suffered the most disastrous fire in its history. Nero had become so unpopular, that people believed he had started the fire in order to be able to rebuild the city in the Greek style that he greatly admired, and also build a new and grand palace for hims elf. Although historians are unanimous in their opinion that Nero gave help to those left homeless in the fire and also rebuilt the city excellently; the rumor that the fire was the act of the self indulgence of the ruthless tyrant Nero, refused to die down. Unable to find other means of convincing his people that he was not responsible for the fire, Nero played on the fears of the people and made scapegoats of the Christians,

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Traditional china Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Traditional china - Essay Example None, therefore, could function independently. Secondly and most importantly was that energy flowed through the body following certain distinct channels found deep within the body (Zhao, 12). In traditional china, it was believed that one fell sick as a result of the very channels through which energy passes are blocked. Consequently, the body parts working together were the reason why an individual became well or sick. In the event that the body parts did not work in harmony, one thus became sick. Most of the medicines used in traditional China were basically herbs (Tsang, 78). The traditional healers mixed a variety of herbs to effect a healing. This was done for a variety of diseases and none of the herbs could be said to be of a specific nature. A number of diseases were thus treated and become well. Many as the best have described medicine and healing in traditional china in many years. Scientists have also used the traditional medicines to develop more sophisticated drugs. In different countries, especially in America, these forms of healing and even the medicine have been used as direct alternatives of the actual drugs

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Hitlers Table Talk, 1941-1944 Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Hitlers Table Talk, 1941-1944 - Term Paper Example Moreover, the conceptual accuracy of the statements in Picker’s book was notarized by Hitler’s personal aides, who witnessed most of the talks. Still, dubiousness to the book is given by the fact that the basic notes had been â€Å"finalized† by Henry Picker after the war, when he was captured by the British military forces. It is not impossible that the notes were entirely recomposed after the war and there is not doubt that such â€Å"revisions† were carried out under the order of British intelligence. The book still is in the middle of a fierce historical discussion. But no one denies that the book has a rational kernel, a grain of historical truth and is more than just the interesting fiction reading. A reader can notice immediately after reading that the book contains no answer to the most important question: How did it happen that the son of a petty official from the Austrian hinterland, poorly educated, with uncertain social background, inept and helpless, mastered all the dark forces and controlling them almost conquered the whole world? But the book is interesting in other ways. In the monologues, written in an informal setting, the leader of the Nazis is seen by the readers not only as a crazy dictator obsessed with mass murders, but quite often as a forehanded politician, understanding many areas of life, including individual and mass psychology. The book is nothing but the impressive collection of monologues and statements of Hitler, delivered in the most intimate circle, in the most private setting - during casual meals (lunch and dinners, but most often - the second dinners late after midnight) during the period 1941-1944. What is interesting in all this? The author clearly tries to study the development of Hitler’s thinking. This point is usually ignored by historians which is totally wrong. Personality of Hitler is revealed through

Friday, July 26, 2019

World History Before 1500 Chapter 5 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

World History Before 1500 Chapter 5 - Assignment Example Other elements include important civilization tools like introduction of writing. The resurgent Greek civilization was characterized by population growth, the rice of metallurgy technology and development of intensive and extensive agriculture. The Greek civilization was defined by acquisition of knowledge and they relied on agriculture for sustenance while the Phoenician civilization was developed through trade. They were mighty traders and dominated the sea trade for approximately 3000 years. They Phoenician civilization brought Asian culture into the Europe through trade that affected Greece and the whole Mediterranean immensely (FernaÃŒ ndez 107). The main developments occurred in the area of medicine and artistry such as metallurgy and music. They developed in agriculture by use of metallic tools and fertilizer; they became masters in the areas of mathematics, astrology, geography, physics and astronomy. The Chinese at the time of Zhou dynasty develop writing as well (FernaÃŒ ndez 105). The Aryans: were warrior people, inhabited the Ganges valley. They did not develop writing as earlier as the Chinese did. They had little interest in painting and sculpture, neither did they engage in trade, but they mainly practiced agriculture. Technology spurred major changes in the Americas and sub- Saharan Africa since it helped boost production in agriculture through use of machines to prepare farmland, use of fertilizer and irrigation. It also encouraged the trade of agricultural produce by simplifying transportation to other regions (FernaÃŒ ndez 92). The links that existed between sub-Saharan Africa and Asia based on trade: they engaged in batter trade especially on agricultural produce. Cultural transmission in Americas and Africa lacked vast climatic chasms from south to north and north to south, which called for different strategies for trade. Monsoonal wind system of maritime Asia and stable Mediterranean weather favored

Choose from Prompt 1 or Prompt 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Choose from Prompt 1 or Prompt 2 - Essay Example The New York Times was formerly known as New York Daily Times, and was later changed to New York Times. The newspaper’s popularity grew when it first published an article that exposed William Magear, the tweed leader of the city democratic party that brought about the end of the tweed ring in the New York City hall. At the beginning it published news and articles from Monday-Saturday, but later joined other dailies adding a Sunday edition. Since the newspaper started being published, it has expanded its structure and organization adding special weekly articles, regular news, editorials, sports and features. Currently, it is divided into different sections; these are news, editorials, business, sports of the times, science, style, home, and other unique features.It covers issues relating to politics, social issues, relationships, love and war like the political persuasions, Israeli-Palestinian conflict and Iraq war. Because of its constantly declining rates in sales that were attributed to the rise of alternative media and social media, the newspaper has over the years experienced downsizing, hence offering buyouts to workers and cutting expenses. Despite its credibility in the world, The New York Times has had discriminatory practices that restricted women in the editorial positions. In Februar y 2013, the New York Times stopped giving a lifelong position for the journalists and editors. The New York Times targets the young generation, that is mostly people less than 30 years of age. Approximately over half of them are college graduates and about a quarter are high income earners.. The newspaper magazine directs its content towards people who are well-educated, literate, who are in professional jobs. The New York Times new entry level aims at the young people, who are a more internet young audience. Another new edition is The New York Times Juniors edition, which targets the very young generation and college

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Critically discuss the connections between stakeholder claims and the Essay

Critically discuss the connections between stakeholder claims and the product market - Essay Example Another group of stakeholders beyond these three categories form the secondary stakeholders which include the government, communities, etc.., The capital market stakeholders such as the investors, debt suppliers and banks would want to have a right to decide what the organization has to do in order to maximise the shareholder wealth. However, the organizational stakeholders such as the employees and the unions have a claim on how the company operates to achieve the objectives. On the contrary, the product market stakeholders are concerned with the way they will be affected by the firm (Haslam, Neale and Johal, 2000). The product market stakeholders include the suppliers and the customers. These stakeholders have an important role to play in the organization and its value, and in turn, have a major effect on the other stakeholders of the firm. The customers of a firm expect high value from the firm in all their encounters. However, they will also have a lot of choices in the market for the product or service, and hence the prices have to be attractive to them. The customers choose a product or service, not only based on the quality but also on the costs involved. Hence their primary expectation or demand from the firm is a reliable and high quality product at the lowest cost (Sloman, Sutcliffe, 2004). The suppliers on the other hand have a considerable power over the firm, as they control the basic products or services required by the firm in its value chain. The power of the suppliers and their claims in the firm differ based on the availability and the level of competition in their products and services. In case of a supplier having a monopoly in the market, the supplier will have a high level of claims in the firm’s activities and will not be affected profoundly due to other stakeholders (Sloman and Sutcliffe, 2004). However, in an open market with a number of suppliers, the firm and its

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Do Modern Finance And Government Intervention Crash The Financial Research Paper

Do Modern Finance And Government Intervention Crash The Financial System - Research Paper Example This crisis resulted in severe issues including threat of total failure of large financial institutions, evictions, foreclosures, stock market downturns, housing market meltdowns, job terminations, and prolonged unemployment. Evidently, the 2008 global financial crisis significantly reduced the growth rate of countries worldwide and many western economies including US suffered huge net losses. A large number of business organizations went out of the business and thus many investors lost their money. Investigation reports indicate that it was the US housing bubble that led to the damage of financial institutions worldwide. Even though the US Federal government has pumped a huge volume of money into the market, the US economy has not yet completely recovered from the impacts of the crisis. This research paper will critically analyze the crash of the global financial system by referring to the book ‘Alchemists of loss: How modern finance and government intervention crashed the fin ancial system’ written by Dowd and Hutchinson. The paper will particularly evaluate whether the elements of modern finance and government intervention have played a role in crashing the financial system. An Overview of Modern Finance Emergence of floating currencies was a major event led to the development of modern finance. In 1971, Richard Nixon, the 37th president of the United States, suspended the dollar’s convertibility into gold in order to resolve financial difficulties associated with a huge trade deficit and Vietnam War. This policy brought an end to the Bretton Woods system of fixed exchange rates whereby capital flow from one country to another had been limited by exchange regulations. Since investing abroad was an expensive task under the Bretton Woods system, pension funds had kept their money home. According to Caldentey and Vernengo (2010), the policy amendment made the currencies floatable and entirely changed the way financial markets operate; and this change also created the need of currency hedging and resulted in the introduction of futures in financial markets. The floating exchange rates played a crucial role in the development of liberalized markets, which eliminated credit controls and promoted the entry of new lenders. Another effect of the new exchange rate system was the abolition of capital controls and this process led to a sharp appreciation of the dollar and pound. Institutions like insurance companies and pensions funds could freely move money without cross border limitations. In 1975, America introduced a financial reform to eliminate the distinction between brokers and jobbers and thereby to slash commissions. This reform gradually led a long term decline of broking revenues and widely restructured the industry. The increased need for capital forced investment banks either to make money on the stock market or to combine with commercial banks. The broadening of banking businesses resulted in more complex banking transactions and firms started to engage in more risky business ventures. In order to mitigate the growing level of business uncertainty, new forms of exchange rate risk reduction mechanisms such as options and swaps were introduced. In the w ords of Ryder, â€Å"futures, options, and swaps all have the same characteristic: a small position can lead to a much larger exposure† (cited in The Economist). In order to take advantages of the changes in global business environment resulting from globalization, creditors began to lend huge amounts of money to entrepreneurs and other

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Active listening in counseling Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Active listening in counseling - Essay Example Active listening encompasses purpose of listening during counseling,when interacting with people.It is listening to others views without distraction/ thinking about any other things.It defines the most structured way of listening and responding to others paying complete attention on the speaker. The behaviors and body language of the speaker is a matter of great concern. In the present article active listening is discussed in terms of counseling with its benefits and barriers.Active listening techniques are essential for facilitating the development of any relationship. In a clinical relationship, active listening is vital if the counselor is to effectively investigate and challenge the client. It is one of the primary ways that we are able to learn the client's story. Active listening implies incredible understanding towards the client's verbal and non-verbal messages. It involves "being with" the client, both physically and psychologically, in order to communicate empathy (Egan, 19 90).In the active -listening process, the counselor uses both verbal and non-verbal cues and signals to recognize and identify the client's core messages and cognitive patterns. The counselor continually asks the question, "What is it that the client wants me to understand" the tasks takes persistence and concentration. It is imperative that counselor must be aware of possible cultural biases. If the counselor's cultural filters are strong there is a greater likelihood of biased and distorted understanding. It is manifested that book learning can distort perception. It is important to keep academic theories in the background and the client in the foreground. It is therefore vital that this active listening must be reflective also for perfect counseling and psychotherapy (Fisher, D). Active listening encompass- Empathy is a wish of the listener and efforts taken to understand what the speaker is trying to explain. It is beyond any theoretical aspects. This empathetic listener has the potential to get inside the other's thoughts, feelings and perception (Fisher, D). The client must gain the confidence that the counselor is providing the feeling of verbal and nonverbal messages such as "I follow you," "I'm with you" or "I understand." It is therefore of great concern as empathy is the listener's effort to hear the other person profoundly, correctly, and non-judgmentally. An active listening sees that a listener is really trying to understand the meanings the client is explaining or expressing (Fisher). It is difficult to attain the state of complete empathy as there is a strong propensity to counsel, notify, concur, or disagree from our own point of view. Acceptance- is related to empathy, as it formulates respect for a person for simply being a person. It should not bear any kind of conditions. This ensures that the listener should circumvent expression of conformity or divergence about what the other person says. This approach persuades the client to be less defensive and to discover aspects of client and the circumstances that the client may otherwise keep hidden (Fisher). Congruence- is associated with ingenuousness, frankness, and genuineness an active listener represents. The congruent listener is in contact with self. A congruent listener admits to have feeling in case of anger or any kind of irritation. An active listener communicates what they feel and know, rather than trouncing behind a disguise. It is imperative to understand that honesty on the part of active listener tends to evoke candor in the speaker (Fisher). In some cases, if the listener becomes annoyed with the speaker then empathy and acceptance must be kept suspended till the things are sorted. Concreteness throws light on information as compared to fuzzy sweeping statements. It is observed that a person who has a problem will avoid painful feelings by being conceptual or uncongenial. If the client is expressing feelings in the form of expressions like "sometimes there are situations

Monday, July 22, 2019

Quantitative Research and Black Males Essay Example for Free

Quantitative Research and Black Males Essay On the run: Wanted men in a Philadelphia Ghetto. American Sociological Association, 74(3), 339-357. After reading the article, it was clear that it was written to give insight on what really happens in black neighborhoods and how daily lives are affected. Goffman’s (2009) purpose is to show that, â€Å"Although recent increases in imprisonment are concentrated in poor Black communities, we know little about how daily life within these neighborhoods is affected† (p. 39). Additionally, there are no research questions directly stated, but are implied throughout the article as to how exactly prejudice and racism towards the black communities can affect a black person’s life and to those around him. The major independent variable in the analysis is that over the years, young black males with little or no education have been imprisoned at least once in their life. The number of people being incarcerated keeps growing. The dependent variable ,or effect, of this cause is how being incarcerated even just once, can affect their daily lives in getting employment and always being on the run because of fear of being incarcerated again. The article did show theoretical frameworks as part of the literature review which focused on young uneducated black males. This article focused on the failure of young black men’s color, on how they could get arrested just by being seen as a black male. Other research and/or studies would focus on the â€Å"ghetto,† not just as a black male ghetto, but possibly people from other origins who live in ghettos such as Latino gang members. Goffman (2009) focuses only on black male gender theory. Both quantitative and qualitative research methods were used in the article. For quantitative methods, a percentage of black males being imprisoned were shown. As evidence, Pettit and Western (2004) stated, â€Å"30 percent of those with only high school diplomas have been to prison, and 60 percent of those who did not finish high school have prison records by their mid-30s,† (p. 39). Wildeman (2009) also stated, â€Å"One in four Black children born in 1990 had a father imprisoned,† (p. 339). For the qualitative method, Goffman (2009) used descriptive events and places that she was actually involved and observed in. The research design made the article more understanding and interesting by giving us a clear picture of how pe rcent numbers grew for black males being incarcerated and how the outcome of it affected their daily lives. In order to obtain information for the article, Goffman (2009) would actually spend time hanging out with young male men who had a record of being incarcerated and living in a bad neighborhood where cop surveillance had increased. Goffman (2009) would be, â€Å"spending most of my waking hours hanging out on Chuck’s back porch steps, or along the alley way between his block and Mike’s block,† and â€Å"for the next four years I spent two and six days a week on 6th street and roughly one day a week visiting members of the group in jail and prison,† (p. 42). The data collection Goffman (2009) obtained consisted of observations and actually taking field notes with the young men’s consent, although she would not directly ask questions. Goffman (2009) used quotes of what people would say by, â€Å"typing it down directly onto a laptop or by using a cell phone text message,† (p. 342). She also interviewed lawyers, police officers, probation officer s and a judge to get more research information for the article. Goffman (2009) analyzed the data she obtained by observing actual events that went on in Black communities and placing them in the article very descriptively. They were systematically described by the events being in order and giving readers a clear view of imagining what exactly was happening. As a result of all the evidence put together, Goffman (2009) found out that because black males had been incarcerated they were the main target of being incarcerated again because of their color, due to this fact they live in fear of going back to jail and are always on the run. They cannot keep a decent life and those around them such as family, friends, and girlfriends use the fact that they can be incarcerated again to their advantage to get money, keep them â€Å"in check†, and to get payback if they’ve been done wrong by them. Goffman (2009) also stated that, â€Å"Young men also turn their wanted status into a resource by using it to account for shortcomings or failures that may have occurred anyway,† (p. 354). These findings are accurately and adequately described so that readers can evaluate the claims and have a good picture of how their lives are affected. The research findings matter to me in a sense that I now have a much broader understanding on what black males go through in the type of neighborhoods that they live in. I was able to see how prejudice and racism also play a big role in young black male men being the target of being incarcerated. The issue in American society that may have shaped this article and research is racism because due to a male’s color they are automatically suspected of doing something wrong and whether or not they’ve done something wrong at the time they are taken to jail. Very much creditability should be given to the research and findings of this article because it helps us see the side of the story we did not know about. The research is solid and very useful because it helps us understand how and why young male black men live in fear and can’t lead a normal life without actually being caught by authorities. Goffman’s (2009) article helps provide a new outlook on how lives are in fact affected in Black neighborhoods.

Relation Between Social and Economic Development

Relation Between Social and Economic Development Introduction Social scientists for the financial management has been the major crucial aspect to achieve goal of both social and economic development. Some of the debates regarding the role of social worker/scientists and international aid supporting organization are core for this assignment. Individual’s basic needs required to fulfilled and institutional set up are complementary to each other. Hence, in order to gain the both development paradigm from one stone, the various strategies to be used. The important cycle for the achievement of organization’s goals have neen illustrated in the assignment. Social Development and Foreign Policy Social Development and economic development has been complementary and interrelated to each other. Social development implies that institutions must put people at the center of development activities. it means a commitment that development processes need to benefit people, particularly but not only the poor, but also a recognition that people, and the way they interact in groups and society, and the norms that facilitates such interaction, shape development processes. Social structures has been constructed in such way in which all people interact with and get influenced by each other. Hence, there needs to be such agencies which will look for social development as well wellbeing of individual. This must be achieved other developmental activities such as economic development and financial management. The financial management is all about efficient and effective management of money so as to achieve the goal or objective of the agency. Therefore, we require to have balance growth of bot h the sector so as to develop both sector effectively. There have been many studies which suggests that there are temporary imbalances in both sector. It is difficult to defend this on purely moral grounds, may be necessary in order to provide man-power where it can make the maximum contribution and create new resources for a comprehensive development of the entire country as well as the wellbeing of individual. They can be defended on the ground that they will advance social development rather than retarding it. There have been other studies which are indicating and suggesting that there are some negative attitudes from the government bodies and they are not responsive to the needs of enlightened foreign policy, for the simple reason that they will say, they are not responsive to the aspirations and interest of people where we are seeking friendship and cooperation for the betterment of the social and economic resource management. There are some strens and stresses while working on imbalanced sectors. For the instance, population exploration has been the major cause to the distribution of resources and management of the agency. Hence we see people with bare subsistence levels in developing and under-developed countries. As far as food production is concerned, world’s production of food has in recent years exceeded the growth of population. However, there has been increasingly slowdown in food production. Every year the gap between demand and supply has been increasing. This is seen where countries economy is less developed or under-developed. The results of this of situation have visible in those counties in which malnutrition rates are high and threats are prevailing for human life. Now, it is essential for all of us to understand that Economic approach be made meaningful by the recognition that the purpose of all economic development is the wellbeing of the individual, the satisfaction of his wants, his his/her growth inn dignity and freedom. In, almost every, policy the word masses have gained effective attention in all the counties. The study done in â€Å"social development and financial development† tell us that the word â€Å"the masses† is nothing but the denial of dignity of the individual and his ability to develop according to his/her gifts and aspirations. Hence, this word is not only meant for those who are poor absolutely but for relatively poor as well. Therefore, it must be made clear that it is not the development of the poor section but for all the sections of the society. The social development aspect cannot achieved only through the fund allocations to many social policies but need an hour is to manage the human resources as well as management of money. Economic development cannot be gained without the balanced growth of social development. Therefore, methods used in economic and social development cannot be divorced from the overriding social objective without destroying the objective itself. Planning – The social approach and economic approach to free world needs attention on careful planning. There are some developed countries which require such approach while aiding developing as well as under-developed countries. Over all development has to be planned to distribute scarce resources and to give purpose as well as perceptions to economic and social development. There are some less privileged countries with vast human resource and they must be encouraged to stress human investment. The human development in the development process and the importance of human qualities which motivates economic growth and efficiency. In order to adopt such processes developed counties must help other countries to motivate and make self-sufficient. In most of the planning processes, people are not involved effectively. To adapt such changes in processes we need to give some sort of share to the people in whole process. This will result in to self-initiative, self-realization and the will to improvement to the fore, and to achieve voluntary commitment in the less developed counties could be achieved. This has been strongly believed that we should not use totalitarian approach to planning in achieving social as well as economic development. This approach tries to minimize or even eliminate the human factor from the planning process. â€Å"The recognitions of individual advance and social development as the ultimate objective of all economic development, has direct bearing on the establishment of concrete development plans which, while flexible and always open to needed adjustments, can give direction and perspective to national development efforts.† This is why, it is needed to understand that the social programs and economic programs are interrelated. For the better implementation and policy framework for the balanced growth between social and economic management, there have been various commits, rounds and discourses among developed nations. Among them, Economic commission for Asia underlined the fact that â€Å"balanced economic and social development aimed at a better understanding of the relative importance of economic and social programs in the overall development of less developed counties, their relationships and complementarity, the allocation of scarce resource for social as contrasted with economic purposes and the coordination of programs to achieve maximum results in both fields.† With the various experiences that under-developed countries and less privileged counties are facing, the conclusion are made like there is growing agreement on that priority should be given to economic aspects but with early social impact and to social programme designed to advance economic growth. Similarly, social programs require to be developed which will again have vice-versa effect on economic development. These programs includes education, health, the development of improved labor relations and organization and the establishment of minimum wages whatever possible. The application of such programs will have positive impact on economic development. Once people benefit out of this they will contribute to the economic development. It could be through investing their intellectual capacities, physical work, individual resources etc. for the instance that in terms of less span of planning, limited resources have to be concentrated, deliberately on primary education for the part of children of school age. These children are the future resources to the country as to preserve resources for secondary and higher education. Within this if we take one element of this, those children would be undertaking vocation and technical types of courses to meet pressing requirement for the train ed personnel. This way social development and financial/economic management work. As the demand for more production is growing, along the line population is also exploding. Planner need to convey and plan in such manner in which all people would be considered major actors in economic development. The number of teachers or social worker who are serving for the western countries have contributed or expanded the programme Technical Assistance on very low rate. This factor gathers the attentions of all developing nations. The more contradictory factor is that social worker and social scientists play very minor role in the policy making bodies of the less developed counties or among those who are responsible for international aid programs. There is no problem with foreign aid programs or the relations with the countries but the methodology, which we adopt require more advanced forms of specialist training and much emphasis has to be given on degrees and professions standards. â€Å"This preoccupation and emphasis is undoubtedly important, but unless it is balanced by training in the broad issues of economic and social development which confront two thirds of the people of the world, it tends to isolate the social work expert from the broad stream of historical change. It may even result in a form of parochialism which may prevent the great social work profession in such a country as the United States from making the contribution it should to social development throughout the world.† Meeting Basic Human Needs Several question has been asked to the kind of approach is used to social development approach Wealth has not been trickled down and the poor have become poorer. In the reality, developed countries support the aid system for developing countries. This interdependence is affecting fuel, food, materials and jobs. This realities has forced developed countries to reconsider their own growth and developmental directions. The development is conceptualized in such way which indicates that it is the complex process of enlarging human potentials via social, cultural and political change as well as economic. It is not restricted to the so called developing countries but involves all nations. Therefore, â€Å"development is interdependent; but self-reliance and self-determination are essential conditions within the sustaining framework of international cooperation. Development is to meet the needs of people. The central purpose of economic and social development is to meet human needs. The sat isfaction of human needs is indeed the whole purpose of growth, trade and investment, development assistance, the world food system, population, policy, energy planning, commodity stabilization, ocean management, monetary reform and of arms control. The developing countries are now forced to extend its conventional approach of governmental groups to include new sets of actors and participants in the development dialogue. They are loosely organized in a variety of people and their networks at non-governmental, associational, regional and national levels. Needs and their satisfactions are socially and culturally conditioned and exhibit different con-figurations in different societies, cultures, and regions. Therefore the definition of adequacy may vary but there can be rough agreement on levels below which individual physical, social, and cultural growth is attenuated. There have been agreed floor through which public policies have been formulated. There is consensus among policy makers on the standards of living. But we need to consider the difference in the standards according to the context and situation. This is why some people are responsive well and some are not. Some people are getting benefit of policies whereas others not. The problems of absolute poverty, of those more or less close to the survival margins in the satisfaction of basic needs, are chiefly found in the developing countries where there are very large numbers of people at and below subsistence level. One can say that there are enough resources at the global level to meet the basic needs of all people but due to obstacles of institutional, political and economic arrangements, the resources have not been getting distributed across the world. A more equitable redistribution of world economic advantage within the international economic order is a necessary for more balanced development, specifically to meet the challenge of the needs of the worlds poorest billion. The interdependence and interaction of needs requires an equivalent integration of the approaches and means used to meet them. International Support system to Basic Human needs Many Third World observers wish to define their own needs and not be mere consumers of Western civilization; accordingly, they reject needs models fashioned by First World experts. In many non-modern societies, the organizing principle around which its economic activities revolve is the maintenance of harmony with nature, allied to social cohesion around kinship rules for the use of property and the sharing of goods. The organizing principle of centralized socialist states is a politically determined plan, and any use of auxiliary controls price stimuli or managerial emulationis subordinated to fulfilling the planned targets. Problems arise because centralized plans do not Role of Social Scientist – Governments at State and Federal levels have created several permanent corporations, commissions, councils, boards, bureaus, agencies, and authorities whether it is about education, health, industrial public enterprises, infrastructural development, financial architecture or welfare schemes where social science experts are playing theirrespective roles. But more importantly, for example, agriculture experts, say in farmers’ commission, are developing and using their social understanding besides their scientific knowledge. The governments keep setting up ad hoc commissions and committees like finance commission, education commission, knowledge commission and pay commission and taxation reforms committees for seeking expert opinion before taking a decision to have impact of permanent nature and experts include social scientists and scientists having social science understanding. In case there exists a policy for setting up an industrial unit in the public sector in a backward re gion with a view to promoting balanced regional development, which maybe an important element of the economic policy, expert opinion is needed to decide its form as a departmental enterprise, a corporation or a company, whether to have partnership with a private company and if so, sharing capital, costs, revenues and risks. Within each economic organization, especially if related with promotional activities, social scientists, especially those having knowledge of economics are needed whether it is related with trade, production or distribution. Whether to borrow capital and where from is an issue better delineated by financial experts. It is another issue that in recent past engineers have specialized in the area of finance. Likewise they may advise on insurance matters etc. Banks, non-banking financial institutions such as mutual funds and insurance companies employ economists to carry out research on sector specific aspects as well as on macroeconomic aspects of the economy in order to help them inbetter decision-making. When a project has to be undertaken say of building a dam one may ask whether a road can be built over it and whether a rail bridge can be built on top of the road, whetherthe dam should be used for irrigation purposes or should it generate power as well. Catchments and command areas, submergence of villages, land, forests, flora and fauna have all to be studied and, in addition, whether it is worth relocating the people affected and securing them equivalent livelihood options and on the top of all whether it will affect their social and cultural milieu and whether change is so drastic as to alienate them from the State. Whether these decisions will be compatible with various proclaimed policies of the State, is again an issue to be squarely dealt with. A variety of social science inputs would be needed in such exercises. Governments have created specialized cadres for economics, trade and statistics. They always had those in judiciary, health, education and forests. Everywhere social science specialists, including management experts are playing their respective roles. Multilateral organizations are often banking upon social science professionals for their activities. All the United Nations expert bodies and other multilateral bodies, including non-governmental international organizations seek involvement of economists, sociologists and anthropologists. The World Bank consults various social scientists and keeps some of them on payroll to understand the likely impacts of the projects it undertakes and sponsors from the point of view of tribes, weaker sections and environment. Likewise other agencies involved in funding like ADB or providing liquidity like IMF do consult social scientists though sometime we have reservations on their decisions. WTO and WIPO run their training programs for educating government officials, scholars and others on social science related material—economics and law, understanding the issue’s, approaching power, negotiation and bargain. In addition,in administration of projects they would need people from accounting, management, law and social work background. Role of social sciences and social scientists seems to be all-pervading in decision-making at any level. Every society follow some rules and re gulation which is made by some specific social advisor. Some time it is necessary for the society development and some time it is need for guidance. For the development of every society or nation we need some policy which is basically done by social scientist. Some policy is very much necessary Public policy is an affirmation of positive actions and negative sanctions, executed through legislative, executive and administrative channels by a government often in pursuance of the constitutional directives whose interpretation may change in the course of time due to change in ethos. The set of actions and sanctions is often chosen from the set of possible alternatives, which may subserve the same set of objectives. There can be an agricultural/farm policy as well as an industrial policy. There can be a policy on telecom and on films. There can be an employment policy and there can be a policy on reservation of jobs for certain sections of society for certain categories of jobs. But ther e can be a prohibition policy or on consumption of tobacco and there can be one littering. In simply means public policies are broad commitments and guidelines for political and bureaucratic executive in certain areas needing intervention. Chosen policies purportedly optimum in certain terms. With change in ethos things may change. For example, the same set of Directive Principles is now used to justify the policies.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Agroclimate Factors of Oil Palm in Nigeria

Agroclimate Factors of Oil Palm in Nigeria EFE S. I. AWARITEFE O. D. ABSTRACT. Using multiple correlation analysis and student ‘t’test, the Agroclimate factors of Oil Palm production was examined for ten years periods. Result showed that Agroclimate factors (sunshine, temperature and rainfall) are highly correlated with oil palm yield. This is evident from a multiple correlation of 74%. It was also observed that oil palm yield is more in the dry season than in the wet season. INTRODUCTION Any agricultural system is a man-made ecosystem that depends on climate to function just like the natural ecosystem. The main climatic elements that affect crop production are solar radiation, temperature and moisture. These climatic parameters and other depend on them, largely determine the global distribution of crops yield and livestock (Ayoade, 1993). He stresses further that climate elements exert an influenced on all stages of the agricultural production chain, including land preparation, sowing, crop growth and management, harvesting, storage, transport and marketing. This view has earlier be noted by Oguntoyinbo (1983) when he attributed the donation of the cocoa and kola-nut belt in southwest, oil palm bush in southeast and the north south ridge of river Niger comprising area of groundnut, cotton and rice cultivation to these climate vagaries. However, climate influence on oil palm has attracted the attention of some scholars over the years. Amongst whom are Manning (1956), Broekman (1963), Oshodi (1966); and Hartley (1988). An examination of their views shows that Manning (1956), outlined the rainfall requirements of selected food and commercial crops grown in West Africa, and he opined that the mean annual rainfall for oil palm is between 1500— 3000mm in West African Countries. Devuyst (1963) correlated oil palm yield with the influence of rainfall alone; using the concept of useful rainfall. His work however showed a positive correlation. He regarded rainfall as the sole agent influencing oil palm yield, and consequently considers any yield maxima to originate in wet season. Broekman (1963) accepted the view of Devuyst but differs in his finding. He stressed that dry season rainfall is positively correlated with oil palm yield. To him, it is reasonable to except that the amount of rainfall during the dry season will be of particular importance, as moisture is a limiting factor during this period. On the other hand, Oshodi (1966) computed the effective growth energy index for some selected crops in Nigeria. The index was however based on only temperature and rainfall. The Effective Growth Energy (E.G.E) for oil palm in Nigeria is 250-300Â °F. Harley (1988) stated that oil palm yields are correlated with dry season rainfall with measures of effective sunshine, which take into account the distribution of such rainfall in’ the dry season. It is clear from the foregoing that rainfall and temperature correlation with oil palm has been substantiated, however, the relationship between sunshine and oil palm yield, as well as the joint contribution of sunshine, rainfall and temperature, has not be substantiated. Similarly there are divergent views on the relationship between the seasons and oil palm yield. Also, since the establishment of Nigeria Institute for Oil Palm Research (NIFOR) in 1939 there have been a relative neglect in the development of Agroclimatological Research Unit in the institute. While other research units (Agricultural Economics, Agricultural Engineering Research, Agronomy, Biochemistry, Chemistry, Extension and On-Farm Adaptive Research, Entomology, Plant Breeding, Plant Pathology, Plant Physiology and Statistics) have been developed. What exists in that unit is a dilapidated weather station where climate data’s are collected and never used for research purposes. So, the present study of Agroclimatic factors of oil palm yield in Nigeria is borne out of the desire not only to fill the above gaps, but to proffer useful suggestion that will guide both the oil palm farmers, and the NIFOR officials on the need to plan with the climate of the area. Therefore, the aim of the study is to examine the extent to which temperature, sunshine and rainfall correlate with oil palm yield. STUDY AREA The Nigeria Institute for Oil Palm Research (NIFOR) is located approximately 29km North West of Benin City, Edo State in Nigeria. It was established in 1939 as Oil Palm Research Station (OPRS) by Nigeria Department of Agriculture. It was taken over in 1951 as West Africa Institute for Oil Palm Research (WAJFOR) by West African Research Organization (WARO). This organ was dissolved in 1960 after independence, and the station was renamed Nigeria institute for Oil Palm Research (NIFOR) by Nigeria Institute Act No. 33 of 1964 mandate extend to Coconut, Raphia and Date palm research. The soil in NIFOR is acid type of sand which is an important oil palm growing soil in Nigeria (Hartley, 1988). The soil are well drained and acidic with clay content in varying proportion at different depths. The soil are deficient in plant nutrient hence the great need for fertilizers application to cultivate palms in NIFOR. NIFOR belongs to the tropical equatorial climate belt of the world, and falls within the tropical rainforest belt of Nigeria. The region is characterized with high rainfall and temperature. Rainfall is over 2066mm per annum, and temperature of 30 33Â °C. Vegetation here is luxuriant type dense tropical rainforest, which comprises of evergreen trees such as mahogany, Walnut etc. The research institute today has sub-stations and experimental stations all over the country where crops are cultivated due to their different climatic requirements. CONCEPTUAL ISSUES The most important concept for this study is the concept of climate and agriculture relationship. This concept which have been adopted by Broekmans (1963); Devuyst (1963); Oguntoyinbo (1966); Hartley (1988); and Ayoade (1993) in similar studies. reveals much on how climatic parameters (rainfall, sunshine, temperature, evaporation etc) are closely interrelated in their influence to drops. Because of this crops/plants are grown in a climatic belt that is best suited for its growth. Thus all crops cannot thrives well in one climate region. For instance, oats and fruits are best grown in the Mediterranean climate while, root crops such as cassava thrives well in region of abundant rainfall and temperature (Neiwolt, 1982). Similarly, since climate is one of the most important natural factors which controls the growth of plants, plant communities therefore undergo gradual changes. And this is because of its ability to cope with the prevailing climatic conditions and also to compete for resources of that environment. Hence, the type of plants/crops cultivated in an area is related to the climate. Also, the annual yield and profitability of farming are predicated on weather elements. In fact, in this part of Nigeria, climate vagaries disrupt the efficient practice of agriculture, and climatic fluctuation creates significant changes for agriculture produces. It is on this that the growth and yield of oil palm is based. Oil palm are found in region with moderate rainfall, high temperature and sunshine which enable the fruit to ripe (Hartley, 1988). METHODS The data used for this study were extracted from the archives of the Agrometerological and harvesting units of the Nigerian Institute for Oil Palm Research (NIFOR) Benin City. Monthly and annual temperature, rainfall and sunshine data were collected from the Agrometerological division, while the monthly and annual oil palm yield data were collected from the harvesting unit both data were collected for ten year periods. The choice often years was based on availability and consistency of data. The seasons were delineated using six months (April — October) as wet season and October — March as dry season. Reconnaissance survey was also conducted round the oil palm farms in the institute. Multiple correlation analysis and students ‘t’tests were used to analyze the data. The multiple correlation analysis was used to ascertain the joint relationship between oil palm yield and rainfall, temperature and sunshine. Apart from the joint contribution of the climatic parameters to oil palm yield, it will also enable us to ascertain the individual contribution of sunshine, rainfall and temperature respectively to the oil palm yield (Ayeni, I Q94). Student ‘t’ test was used to determine the season with highest oil palm yield over the years: as well as to ascertain whether there is any significant difference in oil palm yield in the dry and wet season. DISCUSSION OF THE RESULTS The data collected from the study are presented and discussed in the table below. Table 1: Annual Oil Palm Yield (tons): Temperature (Â °C) Sunshine (hours): and Rainfall (mm) from 1989— 1998. From Table 1 above, the mean annual oil palm yield is 3464 tons, temperature is 32Â °C; sunshine 147 hours and rainfall 165mm. This showed a high yield, high temperature and a high sunshine duration respectively. During this periods, the highest yield of 4961 tons was recorded in 1996, this was followed by 4470 tons in 1989, 39O7tonsinl99O;38lltonsinl995,325ltonsin 1991,3245tonsin1993,3201 tons in 1992, 3177 tons in 1998,2983 tons in 1997 and the lowest yield of 1632 tons was recorded in 1994. This shows that there is no definite pattern of oil palm yield rather the oil palm yield has being fluctuating over the year (See figure 1 below). Temperature distribution during this period is generally high over the years, with the highest temperature of 32.8Â °C in 1997 and the lowest temperature being 30Â °C in 1996. However, there is a little variation in temperature over the years given a range of 2.8Â °C. Sunshine duration is also generally high during this period. This is evident from the mean of 147; and the highest and lowest sunshine duration of 179 in 1989 and 115 in 1997 respectively. Sunshine did not also follow a definite pattern as it varies with a range of 64 hours. Rainfall also fluctuates over this period of study. Fig. 1 above revealed that the three parameters (temperature, sunshine and rainfall) and oil palm yield followed a similarly pattern. There was a sharp drop in oil palm yield in 1994 occasioned by a drop in all the weather parameters. This gives a rainfall range of 78mm. It is evident from the above, that temperature, sunshine and rainfall influences the oil palm yield. The high yield recorded over the years could be explained to the high temperature, sunshine and rainfall respectively that encouraged its growth, and the ripening of the oil palm fruits. The seasonal distribution of oil palm yield, temperature, sunshine and rainfall is another pointer to the fact that climatic element correlates with oil palm yield. This is illustrated in figure 1. Figure 2 shows that oil palm yield, sunshine and temperature exhibits similar pattern of variation. Oil palm yields increases from 366 tons in January to 435 tons and 432 tons in March and April respectively. This being the months with the lowest oil palm yield, it then decreases from 288 tons to 186 tons in July and August, being the month with lowest palm yield. Thereafter it rises to 2112 in the month of October. Sunshine duration followed a similar pattern, the highest duration of sunshine were noticed during the dry seasons. This showed a duration of 201, 185 and 182 hours in the month of November, December and January respectively, while the lowest sunshine duration of 70, 87 and 97 hours was recorded in July, August and September being the period of wet seasons. Temperature also exhibits a similar pattern with oil palm yield and sunshine duration. Generally, temperature is higher in the dry season, than in the wet season. This is evident from temperature of 33.7Â °C, 34Â °C and 35Â °C recorded in the months of December; March and February; and 3 1Â °C, and 29Â °C in June, July August and September respectively. Rainfall distribution over the years showed a direct opposite pattern to sunshine and temperature with the highest amount of 317mm, 312mm and 313mm recorded in the month of July, August and September respectively (see fig. 2). The lowest amount of rainfall (23 mm and 10mm) was recorded in January and December being the dry season in Nigeria. To ascertain whether there is significant difference in the seasonal variation in oil palm yield, the student ‘t’ test showed that there is significant difference between oil palm yields in the dry and wet season. This is evident from the calculated ‘t’ value of 7560, which is far higher than the critical table value of 2.0. at 0.05 significance level. This is another pointer to the above distributional pattern, which shows that the dry season recorded the highest oil palm yield than the wet season. The effect of the climatic factor (temperature, sunshine duration and rainfall) on oil palm yield was also analyzed. Result showed that they jointly contributed 74% to oil palm yield. This is evident from the result of multiple correlation analysis of yield, sunshine, temperature and rainfall. Thus it can be deduced that sunshine, temperature and rainfall are significantly related with oil palm yield. The rest 26% could be explained by other factors such as edaphic factors, evapo-transpiration, pests, humidity and diseases, etc. The contributions of each climatic factors to oil palm yield was also shown from the multiple correlation result. The result showed that sunshine, temperature and rainfall contributed 70%, 25% and 5% respectively to oil palm yield during this period. From this analysis one could now say that sunshine exerts the highest influences of 70% on oil palm yield than the other factors. This is because, sunshine duration did not only aids in ripening of the oil palm f ruits, but also generate photosynthesis, which is the main energy source of all plants. Temperature influence on oil palm yield is as a result of the high sunshine duration. Rainfall, however, has a little influence on oil palm yield most especially during the dry season when plants generally needs moisture in the soil for growth and general survival. Apart from the Agroclimatic factors of oil palm yield, the field observation conducted round some farms in NIFOR, reveals that weeds as well as seasonal outbreaks of pests and diseases were prevalent in the farms. Oil palm yield lost caused by these factors may be considerable over the years. More so when the diseases are often weather related, either in terms of local weather conditions being unfavourable for its growth and development or in terms of the prevailing winds helping to import air-borne germs/ spores into a given areas. The pests and diseases were more during the dry season where rainfall is minimised. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS The study revealed that Agroclimatic factors (sunshine, temperature and rainfall) exert high influences on oil palm yield. 74% expansion of oil palm yield is attributed to these climate factors. The rest 26% is attributed to other factors such as edaphic factors, pests, diseases, weed, humidity, etc. Sunshine, however, exerted more influence on oil palm yield than rainfall and temperature. Similarly, oil palm yield is more in dry season than in wet season. And there is more prevalence of pest and diseases in oil palm farms during the dry season than in the wet season. To improve oil palm yields and to eradicate pest and diseases there is the need for the fanners and NIFOR officials to plan with the climate of this prevailing environment. Thus, oil palm should be cultivated during the wet season because of availability of moisture for its growth, and harvesting during the dry season because of high sunshine for its ripening. The farms should be constantly cleared to eliminate weeds since they accelerate water loss by transpiration at the expense of the oil palm. There should be weekly or monthly routine check-up of the oil palm plantation, so that the affected stands can easily be treated with the necessary pesticides or insecticides. This will also lid p to prevent the spread of epidemic outbreak across the stands. The use of fertilizer and irrigation system should be intensified than the present level of usage in NIFOR. The irrigation is highly needed in the early age of oil palm growth during the dry season. The Agroclimate unit of NIFOR should be upgraded to research division and the attached weather station should be well equipped with modem Agroclimatic facilities/equipment. This division when upgraded will play advisory roles on the effect of climate factors on the various crops that is cultivated by this institute. REFERENCES Ayeni B. (1994), Quantitative Method for Geography Students. Research Support Services. Ibadan, pp. 72 81. Ayoade J. O. (1993), Introduction to Climatology for the Tropics. Spectrum book Ltd. Ibadan, pp. 204 220. Broekmans A. (1963), Growth, Flowering and Yield of the Oil Palm in Nigeria. In West African Institute for Oil Palm Research No. 12. Devuyst A. (1963), Annual Oil Palm Yield. West African Institute for Oil Palm Research, No. 12. Hartley C. W. S. (1988), The Oil Palm Tropical Agricultural Series, Longman Group Ltd, London. Manning H. L. (1956), The Statistical Assessment of Rainfall Probability and Its Application to Uganda Agriculture. Proceedings of Royal Society Series, pp. 144, 460 480. Oguntoyinbo J. S. (1966), Climate and Mankind. Annual Lecture Series Presented to the University of Ibadan. Oshodi F. R. (1966), Biometerological Studies of Nigerian Crops. Nig. Met. Services Lagos. Nienwolt S. (1982), Tropical Climatology: An Introduction to the Climate of the Low Latitude. John Wiley and Sons. Ltd. Chichester.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Epogen :: Science Biology Papers

Epogen Epogen is produced by the company Amgen. Amgen located atThousand Oaks, California, is a global biotechnology company. It discovers, develops, manufactures, and markets human therapeutics based on advanced cellular and molecular biology. Amgen, founded in 1980, is now the largest biotechnology company in the world. It has 4,200 employers around the world and 2,700 of the 4,200 workers, work at the headquarters in Thousand Oaks. Amgen has centers of research in "Boulder, Colorado and Toronto, Canada; clinical research centers in Cambridge, England and Melbourne, Australia; the international distribution center in Louisville, Kentucky, fill and finish facility in Junco, Puerto Rico; and European regional headquarters in Lucerne, Switzerland. Amgen has other international offices that are located in Austria, Australin, Belgium, Canada, China, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, Hong Kong, Portugal, Spain, and the United Kingdom." (Amgen 1996) Amgen's first product, Epogen was approved in June 1989 for use in the United States. Neupogen (filgrastim) Amgen's second product, received approval for use in February 1991, is used for preventing infections in cancer patients that receive chemotherapy for bone marrow and peripheral blood progenitor cell transplantation patients and treatment for chronic neutropenia, which is a rare blood disorder. Amgen has research in the areas of hematopoiesis, neurobiology, inflammation/autoimmunity, and soft tissue repair and regeneration. Products from the research, in the four areas mentioned from above, may, sometime in the future, be used in treating conditions characterized by disorders of blood and bone marrow, neurodegenerative diseases such as ALS, Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, or traumatic nerve injury. Epogen Epoetin Alfa recombinant Epogen, or Epogen, has 3,000 units of recombinant Epoetin Alfa, 2.5 mg Albumin (Human) in sterile buffered solution (pH 6.9 +/- 0.3) of sodium citrate (5.8mg), sodium chloride (5.8mg), citric acid (0.06mg), in Water for injection. Its uses are stimulating the body to make red blood cells, treatments of anemia (loss or reduction of red blood cells) associated with chronic renal failure or anemia caused by AZT (zidovudine) in HIV-infected persons. Before Epogen was produced or used, blood transfusions and male hormone therapy was used in treating anemia, which was caused by chronic renal failure. Epogen Studies Studies on Epogen are available from Amgen, Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and the Journal of the American Society of Nephrology. One study by Amgen was "to establish the safety and efficacy of EPOGEN in pediatric patients" (Amgen 89), the second study from FDA, was about erythropoietin, which is

Friday, July 19, 2019

Waiting for Godot is Not an Absurdist Play :: Waiting for Godot Essays

Waiting for Godot is Not an Absurdist Play      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Samuel Beckett's stage plays are gray both in color and in subject matter. Likewise, the answer to the question of whether or not Beckett's work is Absurdist also belongs to that realm of gray in which Beckett often works. The Absurdist label becomes problematic when applied to Beckett because his dramatic works tend to overflow the boundaries which scholars attempt to assign. When discussing Beckett, the critic inevitably becomes entangled in contradiction. The playwright's own denial "that there is a philosophical system behind the plays" and his explicit refusal "to reduce them to codified interpretations" suggests, one could argue, that to search for such systems or interpretations in Beckett's work is, at best, a fruitless endeavor (Beckett quoted. in McMillan 13). Let me suggest, however, that Beckett's own statements and criticisms not be taken as a deterrent to the study of his work. His objections threaten only those interpretations which "redu ce" his work. The challenge for the critic, then, is to evaluate and analyze Beckett in such a way that his works are not reduced but enhanced. The problem with designating Beckett's work as Absurdist is, precisely, that this interpretation reduces his work. When a critic describes a work as "Absurd," she does not simply mean that the work is "outrageous" or "nonsensical" or merely silly. Coined by American critic Martin Esslin, the term "theater of the Absurd" can be defined as a kind of drama that presents a view of the absurdity of the human condition by the abandoning of usual or rational devices and by the use of nonrealistic form....Conceived in perplexity and spiritual anguish, the theater of the absurd portrays not a series of connected incidents telling a story but a pattern of images presenting people as bewildered beings in an incomprehensible universe. (Holman 2) In the introduction to The Theatre of the Absurd, Martin Esslin provides a comprehensive explanation of "Absurdist" theater. He quotes Albert Camus' jThe Myth of Sisyphus: A world that can be explained by reasoning, however faulty, is a familiar world. But in a universe that is suddenly deprived of illusions and of light, man feels a stranger. His is an irremediable exile, because he is deprived of memories of a lost homeland as much as he lacks the hope of a promised

Split Sisters and Split Personalities of Goblin Market Essay -- Goblin

Split Sisters and Split Personalities of Goblin Market  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚   "I have 50 different personalities, and still I’m lonely" (Amos). Perhaps everyone is truly composed of multiple personalities embodied within one whole. Whether these split personalities are actual or purely metaphorical, no one human being has a single sided mind, and a single sided position on everything. Within the brain many battles are raged between opposing sides of issues, between the personalities. "Goblin Market" is one of Christina Rosetti’s "sister" poems, a form in which she used sisters to "represent different aspects of the split personality that was caused by conflicting attitudes and mixed emotions towards love" (Bellas 66). The two opposing young sides of a single person’s brain are separated into two different beings, two sisters. During the poem, the two sisters, Laura and Lizzie, contrast and become contrasting opinions and factions on love, femininity, and sensuality, eventually maturing and reconciling their conflicting beliefs into a mutual ground. "Laura’s love of the fruit is insatiable" (Mayberry 90). Lizzie is a more Victorian image of love "cautious, timid, and tedious" (Mayberry 43). In the Victorian days respectable women were expected to be good Christian women. Rossetti is a demonstration of these expectations. In reference to the awkward moral at the end of the poem Martine Brownley says. "Undoubtedly that was the only way that the quiet devoted recluse could tolerate what she had procured in the poem. The woman who pasted pieces of paper over the more explicit lines in Swinburne’s poetry could never have faced the actual implications of the stunningly effective parable†¦ which somehow welled up from her unconscious self" ... ...look" for the first time in her life. The Victorian element of the 1800s has been brought down to a more reasonable level through Lizzie. The wild feminist in Laura has been tamed by the life threatening experience and the overpowering devotion of her sister.    Works Cited Amos, Tori. "Tori Amos in Conversation." Baktabak Recordings 1997. Bellas, Ralph A. Christina Rossetti . Illinois State University, Twayne Publishers Boston, 1977. Harrison, Anthongy H. Christina Rossetti in Context. University of NC Press, Chapel Hill and London: 1988. Mayberry, Katherine J. Christina Rossetti and the Poetry of Discovery. Louisiana State University Press, Baton Rouge and London. 1989. Brownley, Martine Watson, "Love and Sensuality in Christina Rossetti’s ‘Goblin Market." Essays in Literature 1979 Western Illinois University Vol. No. 2 Rpt in TCLC.   

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Financial Forecasting CheckPoint Essay

The reason type of companies such as brand new companies, family-owned companies, and long-standing companies would need a financial forecast is to develop projected financial statements; a series of pro forma. The information developed by a series of pro forma provide a sort of estimate on inventory, payables, receivables as well as what would be required for profit and borrowing. A projected financial statement provides a kind of advantage in any of the companies listed above as it gives the firm an insight on operations. A pro forma would help guide companies in deciding how to best operate and succeed. When starting a brand new company a financial forecast is essential. A financial forecast would help a brand new company decide on how much inventory would be needed, cost of start up and production, and how much capital is needed. Obtaining a financial forecast would also help guide a brand new company on how much profit the company can make, whether a bank loan would be needed to start up and how many individuals can be hired. Family-owned companies need financial forecast just as much as a brand new company. A family-owned company would need a financial forecast for obtaining information from the simplest of things like how much inventory is in stock, profit sharing, expected expenses and profit for the future. A family-owned company would need a financial forecast to also make good decisions on continuing a successful business, which department needs revamped or tweaked. It is essential for a family-owned company to obtain a financial forecast to also estimate whether sales income would be enough to cover expenses and whether cutbacks need to be made.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Female Correctional Officers

feminine person person person Correctional Officers Jordan Beth Stevenson admittance to Corrections October 25, 2012 Saeler Abstract This research constitution consists of brief history of how wo human raceish punitory policemans came to be in the trunk and the courtyard cases that hindered and helped their go. It in any case consists of the stereotypes and attempts the military officeholders argon governing bodyd with in this line of live much(prenominal) as weaknesses and home life association. Sexual bedevil handst and discrimination is a problematic melodic theme that is unavoid com workforcesurate to(p). Statistics leave al genius excessively be custodytioned and explained passim the paper.Being a fe staminate punitory ships officer is extremely difficult and is non encouraged, nevertheless it is possible. feminine Correctional Officers Wowork force set knocked out(p) been mired in the criminal fairice musical arrangement since the beginning. Fem ales extradite been afflicting to exit gradient by side with men in either aspect of recalling and imperative besidesice in society. However, women have non been equal to work in each(prenominal) of the argonas of the system. The correctional officers of prison ho habits are extremely demand aspects since the Walnut Street jail in the criminal justice system, yet only men were able to fill that correct until the 1970s.Going through the history of how women came to be able to work as correctional officers ordain give an insight of the ch alto gear upherenges and trys they went through and even fight today collectible to the blemish of beingness a muliebrity. The stereotypes that follow feminine officers cause hiring and retaining bailiwicks amongst the work ethic and quotidian activities of the officers. Overcoming these problems had been a difficult task and so far is being tackled in administrations today. Discriminations are also a problem, especially from the male co role players.Women face surmisal of knowledgeable harassment anywhere they go. Working in a male offender forwardness increases those possibilities. Dealing with the differences surrounded by males and effeminates as well as competing for the identical send as a man causes tension in the workplace and in society. All of these aspects are large separate of the career for female correctional officers. account Women have been in the correctional system since the early 1930s working in the administrative discussion section and as secretary- want nonpluss.The estimation of a cleaning lady doing more than just paperwork was unheard of and it was looked agglomerate upon when a woman tried to excel in anything more. In 1977 though, the U. S. Supreme royal court heard a case that constrained them to address the issue of women in the correctional system as a working officer. The case of Dothard v. Rawlinson give tongue to that a woman was denied a order as a correctional officer at a male origination in Alabama. It stated she was denied the position because of the conditions of the prison and the predatory nature of the male inmates (Seiter, 2011, p. 406).Women were non seen as equals to men, especially in this department. afterwards this case was publicized, organizations began forming in raise to lurch the law so women could hold the positions they precious and deserved. The commonplace Service physical exertion venture had only directd men to work in male facilities and women to only work in female facilities. In 1977, The Public Service Commission announced that they were overtaking to re sentiment the justification for the restriction and try to overturn it. The commission wanted to have the opportunity for all merchantmandidates to be equal in being hired.Certain human expert acts also tried to help create equality by auditing some presidency agencies to assure in that location was no discrimination. The Employment Equity Act was formed to levy compliance for the employment standards (Women Correctional Officers, 2012). With this act, women were able to fight back against the department for the misfortune to be hired as equals to men. In 1979, a case was presented to the U. S. District Court of Iowa, Gunther v. Iowa, which stated that inmate privacy was non a valid reason to not hire women for the positions of correctional officers (Seiter, 2011, p. 06). When this case was determined, it forced all facilities to consider all candidates for the correctional officer positions. And, if they refused to exempt not hire females simply because of their gender, they could face being sued and having a bad reputation. It was problematic for most institutions at the time because thither was a fond stigma against women, claiming they were not able to arrange as well as men. Although women are statistically proven to not be as physically strong as men, it is not proven that they are not as good of wo rkers as men.This logical system was flawed and deservingly overturned. Stereotypes and Discriminations Women have stereotypes in e real aspect of life. Stereotypes sometimes have a dominating affect on the hiring process and retaining the position. Although credentials and producing good work during your hours is what should count, it does not always fruit prevalence. It is proven that men are physically stronger than women. That does mean that women do not know how to fight or protect themselves. Women are trained the resembling as men in order to become a correctional officer.According to MacDonald (2012), the event that women go through a catamenial roulette wheel and have PMS can play a role towards their weaknesses of being a woman. Many employers see this as a weakness and that it leaves a window of weakness during that time of the month due to the typical symptoms of a menstrual cycle and PMS. Symptoms such as fatigue, headaches or migraines, menstrual cramps, aggressi ve behavior and mood swings are the mentioned ones. What is not mentioned is that only 30 to 40 percent of women have PMS (Premenstrual syndrome facts, 2001).So move this stereotype on all women is statistically wrong. Not only are aspects of every woman seen as weaknesses, still there are a few extreme females who make a title against all other women harder to stand by. A woman who plays the poor helpless female or uses the fact that they are good expression to their advantage has a ripple offspring in opinion of all women. If a male employer falls for the act and because the female employee is not an efficient worker he stereotypes all women to be equal that one bad employee. Women also birth the stereotype of being lightheaded, especially if they are attractive.If a romance were to form at work, if a coworker hears of how you act with a boyfriend, or if she is single and flirts with one male coworker, it could get manipulated into that woman being a fornicatress. It take s a long time and a lot of hard work to guide that stigma. All of these features are signs of weakness to the men they work with (MacDonald, 2012). Women can be and are as professional as men can be. In fact, it is more potential for a man to be promiscuous because the hormone in which cause internal arousal is testosterone. Men naturally dumbfound 4 to 7 milligrams of testosterone a day.Women kindle only a tenth of that workaday (Kryger, 2011). So, the overall biological sex apparent motion is much high in male whence females. On the other hand, there are the unattractive or just want to do their job and not be social, they are labeled to be a lesbian most of the time. Female correctional officers also struggle with having equilibrise a home life era working the long and sometime unique hours of a correctional officer. Women are reprimanded for not being more involved with their children or families lives because of the mentality the older generation still has of the w omen should be a stay at home mother (MacDonald, 2012).Sexual Harassment Female Correctional Officers are faced on a daily basis with the possibility of sexual harassment. When working in a male facility, women are in very close quarters with sexually strip offenders, including sexual offenders. The sexual tension among the men is going to be high moreover when a woman is mixed into the tension, the occurrence could easily escalate. There are terzetto main models of sexual harassment that have been found in male prisons against female officers. The first model is the natural-biological model.It is best explained as harassment that is not harmful provided rather brought out simply by natural sexual attraction. Just by placing female correctional officers in the facility increases this type of harassment. The next model is the sociocultural model and is power driven. Men typically feel as they are break up and stronger than women both mentally and physically. So, the differences between genders in any workplace could bring out this type of harassment. The last type is the organizational model. This model is best explained by the graded relations.By having a woman in power, such as a correctional officer, the male in a less mightily position want to be in power so they try to use sex to bring the female down to their level or lower. It is a artful attempt (Savicki, Cooley and Gjesvold, 2003). All three of these types of sexual harassment are unacceptable and preferably of offering more readily forthcoming programs to help sexual offenders, the solution is to take the women out of the correctional facilities. The question then lies what happens to the women on the streets or in the homes of the offenders erst they are released from prison?The inmates can find several ways to harass the female officers from simply calling them bods like sexy, among other names on much worse levels, to actually masturbating and ejaculating on to the officers as they wa lk by. Some inmates testament act ill or as if they are in trouble to claw the officers into or close to the cell for a chance to grab at the officer in a sexual way of life (monthly law journal, 2010). Even though the name calling seems minor and almost futile compared to physically being harassed in some way, both actions take a toll on the mentality of the officer.The mentality strength of both men and women are about equal. This says that if a man in a female facility were to bear up under similar harassment, they too would feel the mental stress and damage being done. Yet, men are still in female prisons and have been since the first female institution was established. Statistics Female correctional officers make up 22. 3% of all employees in the department in the United States (Ronquillo, 2008). Female correctional officers are typically single, either never married or divorced.The stress on both the woman and the spouse is high than most careers due to the high take ch ances of the job. It has also been shown that women are more liable(predicate) to have attained a higher education than males (Savicki, Cooley and Gjesvold, 2003). With more education, it opposes a large threat on the males working along their sides because they could more easily get a better position or be promoted. A higher education also gives an advantage as to adaptation and tractableness to a variety of different careers, including wretched up from a correctional officer to a warden.Females also tend to glance their job differently than men. Women are likely to choose a corrections position with the interest in human assistant or rehabilitation, whereas men primarily will seek the career of law enforcement or other security aspect (Savicki, Cooley and Gjesvold, 2003). The brainpower of women, although different from most men, is still allowance for the position of correctional officer. Conclusion For women documentation in and trying to compete in a male dominated f oundation seems impossible.Female correctional officers have many difficulties and challenges to surpass by not only the inmates, nevertheless by their coworkers and administrative personnel. It was a struggle to initiate being in the line of products of corrections and it is still a struggle today to get a position and retain that position. Stereotypes, sexual harassment and the rigourousness of the job alone are factors a female correctional officer has to conquer. To elapse the position they have to fight harder than men. It is not an easy career to maintain but that makes it even more rewarding when one does succeed. References 2001). Premenstrual syndrome facts, disease nutritional fend strategies. Retrieved from http//www. healingwithnutrition. com/pdisease/pms/pms. html Kryger, D. (2011, February 13). Women and testosterone. Retrieved from http//www. wellnessmd. com/index. php? option=com_content&view=article&id=64&Itemid=106 MacDonald, J. (2012). Women in corrections. Retrieved from http//desertwaters. com/? page_id=733 Monthly law journal article well-behaved liability for sexual harassment of female employees by prisoners. (2010). Retrieved from http//www. aele. org/law/Digests/jail137. htm

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Peer Pressure Speech Essay

Peer Pressure Speech Essay

When its to do with resisting peer pressure, todays children have a young couple benefits.But you really have to stop and think for a moment. Is what you are knowing doing a complete and true definition of you? Whose life are you really leading?There are two kinds of peer pressure. The Positive kind, and the Negative kind. The positive kind of peer pressure is, being pressured or convinced to do a certain task that you may not have had the confidence to complete or to do yourself.Peer pressure may have an effect.They push for you to have JUST ONE drink. To smoke JUST ONE cigarette†¦. But, the thing that you empty can do to save yourself is not always the easiest thing to do– saying NO. But just saying no may or may not be the end of the problem.

Peer pressure cannot be termed bad.Maybe they control give in because they want to appear grown up. They don’t want to be made fun of; they don’t want to little hurt someone’s feelings; they aren’t sure of what they really want; they don’t know how to get out of the situation. We all good feel it! We all do it! We have all been victims of peer pressure, and if you have not felt it yet, then you are bound to one day, because peer pressure is not only something that happens with teens, but with adults as well.Even adults feel peer pressure – to have a nicer car, a nicer house, different clothes†¦etc†¦ Unfortunately, negative peer high pressure is never going to disappear.Peer pressure, is.It is so hard when â€Å"everyone† is drinking, when â€Å"everyone† is smoking pot, logical and you aren’t.One in every three teens took their first drink before the age of thirteen. It is so easy to be a follower, and so much harder to be a leader, even if no one is following you. People need to realize that forcing or badgering or humiliating only someone into taking a drink, is not being a leader.

Its defined as the impact a group has on an individual.Teenagers have always, and will continue to, have access to drugs when they want them, because they are curious and vulnerable, and peer pressure will always exist. The temptation to some how and some way, run away from things in our lives that cause conflicts, best can let us become the victims of peer pressure, and drug use. Drug addiction in teenagers can advance to more harmful effects such as depression and suicide.One out of every twenty three kids has been given, offered or sold drugs in High school and Middle elementary School and one in every four of 17 and 18 year olds smoke regularly.Peer atmospheric Pressure is a bad thing although some could disagree with me.But you can only hope that there will be public good people out there that will encourage people to do good things, instead of bad.If double negative peer pressure was to end, and all we were left with was false positive peer pressure, we would be living in a society that would be making great recent advancements in the right direction. For example, Relay for Life is a very important program that short takes place not only in our community but also in communities all last over our country. Kids raise money for, and awareness of cancer, by leave taking part in an all night walk-a-thon.

It is.Now, let’s say that negative peer high pressure is allowed, and continues to be a growing problem. Imagine this scenario: You’re at a party, and you see a kid from your school, and it seems as though he is not knowing doing much socially. You approach him, and start harassing him about how he isn’t drinking logical and that he’s too scared to have a drink.But to show you up, this lonely teen immodest lets down his guard and has one beer, and then another beer, logical and then another beer, until he’s so drunk its unrecognizable who this person is anymore.Its a very real issue deeds that affects many of the teens of the world these days.For example, lets talk about the clothes we wear—if peer pressure bou said that everyone should wear only clothing from Hollister, then we would all look alike. Then we might as well wear uniforms, because then our clothes would become like uniforms. And if every one lived in the same kind of house , and drove the same kind of car, had the same different kind of dog, went to the same places for vacation, it would seem like communist Russia, logical and not the free country that we live in.Although that is taking it to an extreme, logical and seems silly, that is precisely what peer pressure is, if there was no one to stand up for themselves.

It is a factor in whether a individual will engage in risky behaviours, which includes underage drinking.Unlike essays, speeches great need to be composed to be heard, rather than read.Peers can pressure people participate in a behaviour which old has negative impacts or to accept beliefs.Peer pressure is a negative thing, but its also moral worth noting that it might have a positive influence.

Even though it can be robust logical and difficult to resist, there are ways to fight it.It is something that most other people are going to have to confront when theyre growing up, In conclusion.Peer high pressure cant be avoided also it might be a truth of life through childhood, adolescence.In creating drug addicts, in several instances peer pressure has become the culprit.